Biggest Mistake Fabricated by People Who Resist Starting Big Projects

Before I decided to share this, I was afraid I'd be making a mistake that I would later regret for the rest of my life. Think you know the single most biggest mistake intentionally fabricated by people who resist starting big projects? Did you say something about money? Nope, that's not it. Was it not knowing where to begin? That's not it either, it is more mental than that.

The single most biggest mistake intentionally fabricated by people who resist starting big projects is a fear they might make a mistake and regret it later on in life. I get it, it's a big project that costs a lot of money.

Let me be your guru for a moment. Pay attention, it will just take a few minutes to re-engineer a frame of mind that is promised to change the way you think about taking action. Don't worry, I'm not a cult leader implanting a conspiracy. No kool-aid for you.

The Truth About Mistakes

The dictionary meaning of mistake is "an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong." The natural and immediate mental reaction is that mistakes, in the negative, are bad. That is what they want you to think. I disagree. Mistakes are necessary for improvement in everything. Now I am not saying I like making mistakes or that mistakes are good. I am, however, saying I enjoy the corrective challenges of learning and growing and creating that results from making mistakes.

No Mistake

On the positive, mistakes cultivate opportunity. Without mistakes, there is really no room for improvements, think about it. Without allowing yourself to make mistakes, you cannot learn anything new.

You may have heard it said, "there is nothing new under the sun." On a surface extent that may be true, but there are actually underlying secret realities. Making mistakes generates new. Mistakes allow for the conception of new ideas. Ideas birth new opportunities. Opportunities blossom into new creations. Those are new ideas, opportunities and creations that you could not have come to know without having taken an action that later resulted in a what you initially perceived as a mistake. As a result, mistakes make it possible to create and develop solutions. In other words, without mistakes, there is nothing to fix.

It is easy to redefine the meaning of mistake. Mistake, then, is an action perceived as being wrong, bad or improper that gives rise to opportunities to create solutions.

The Truth About Regrets

Regret is socially defined as "a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity. Nobody wants to make a mistake that results in regret.

When I think of regrets related to a fear of making mistakes, I think of them as intentionally creating and reserving space for something in the future that has not yet happened or may never happen. Regrets then, like mistakes, are nothing more than intentional creations based on your own limited perceptions. If you create a perception that you will regret an action you might take, that may or may not become a mistake, you are programming a future for disappointment. Why? Seriously. Why would you do that to yourself?

Back to the Future Movie Poster

Back to the Future Movie Poster

How many regrets do you harbor right now from past events? If you say something that numbers more than zero, that answer is incorrect. The right answer is none. Think about it, regret is fiction, it's not real. Somebody else created the reason regret occurs and you chose to believe in it.

So again, regret is nothing more than your own created perception, and that line of your own thinking, is a mistake your are making this very minute. It is a present mistake that you are going to learn from, a mistake that, in the future that hasn't arrived yet, will produce new ideas and offer you fresh opportunities to create solutions to something you are in control of this very minute. See! Time travel is real!

In Conclusion

In simple conclusion, don't worry about taking actions that cause you to fear making mistakes. Don't concern yourself about the possibility of fictitious regrets. Take action anyway. Observe what happens throughout the journey. Make the mistake if that is what it comes down to. Give yourself this gift: rather than dwelling on the perception of making a mistake, look instead for opportunities that will come as a result.

Take action, deliberate action. Take action and do the thing because not taking action is a mistake which you may later regret.



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